Graduating is a major milestone for many young adults. What seemed like such a far-off accomplishment earlier in your life has just happened, and you might be feeling overwhelmed by thoughts of the future. 

In this article, we’ll cover post-graduation anxiety and how to keep yourself grounded amidst the uncertainty you’re experiencing.

Anxiety Following Graduation

It’s normal to feel anxious when ending one chapter in your life and starting a new one. So many outcomes are possible that young people often experience a flood of different emotions when thinking about what’s going to happen in the future. Whether you’re feeling anxiety, dread, excitement, or a combination of those feelings, you aren’t alone

Things might be somewhat uncertain for a while, but take comfort in the fact that you’ve already succeeded where many others have not. You graduated, and now it’s time to let yourself take a breather.

5 Coping Tips

If you’re struggling with the complex feelings that accompany graduating, here are five coping tips to follow. Try one, a few, or all of them to bring things back into perspective.

Manage Expectations

So much has changed since your parents and grandparents became young adults, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re not immediately hired for your dream job after graduation. It’s understandable that you want your life to begin, but it has. You’ve already accomplished something big and just as it took time to make it through college, it’ll take time to build the life you want. Do your best, and let things fall into place naturally.

Take Care of Yourself

Keep your energy up by maintaining your mental and physical health. Eat a nutritious diet and get regular exercise. By practicing effective self-care, you can take steps to ensure that when you’re finally offered opportunities to succeed, you’re going into the next chapter of your life putting your best foot forward.

Acknowledge Small Victories

Don’t beat yourself up if major life goals aren’t falling into place right away. Instead, take a moment to appreciate small victories when you achieve them. Each small step you take puts you a little farther down the path you’ve chosen. If you’ve accomplished something, even something seemingly small in the grand scheme of things, celebrate it.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Every life is unique, so naturally, your life isn’t going to progress the same way as someone else’s. If you see former classmates announcing big accomplishments on social media or in a group setting, congratulate them but don’t dwell on their success. Opportunity comes in due time, and just because one person successfully went from Point A to Point F in no time doesn’t mean you’re failing just because you’re still at Point B.

Seek Support

If you’re feeling anxious, talk to a friend, family member, or colleague you respect. Discuss your feelings and work through them with someone who truly cares about your well-being. If the stress you’re dealing with has become overwhelming, you might also consider seeing a therapist to help you maintain your focus.

Most things about living as a young adult in 2023 are going to be complicated. It might seem like you’re now floating aimlessly into the next part of your life, but you deserve some time to gather your bearings. Be patient with yourself and the opportunities you hope to take advantage of. Everything in life happens one step at a time and you’ve already come a long way.