5 Tips for Getting Outside During Your Workday

Many of us have so much going on during our workday that it’s easy to find ourselves glued to our office chairs. Sitting still for hours on end has become the norm, but getting outside for just a few minutes during your day can greatly boost your well-being, both mentally and physically.

It’s challenging to find the time, but try following these five tips for getting outside for a quick breath of fresh air without disrupting your workday.

A woman walking down a city street, from behind.Schedule Outdoor Breaks

Much like you would schedule meetings or project deadlines, you should also plan your breaks to go outside. Set an alarm or reminder on your phone or PC to take a short walk outside every few hours. Even just five or ten minutes can help you get a quick refresh, improve your focus, and decrease your stress levels.

If you’re having a hard time committing to this schedule, see if you can time your breaks with a colleague. This way, you’ll have someone to take a quick stroll with, which holds you accountable and keeps you from getting too bored during your short walks.

Use Your Lunchtime Wisely

Instead of eating lunch at your desk or in your office’s cafeteria or break room, try eating outside if the weather is nice. Find a nearby park, bench, or outdoor seating area and enjoy eating in the sunshine. Not only will the change of scenery help you de-stress from work, but exposure to natural light can boost your vitamin D levels and enhance your mood.

If you have extra time, take a short walk after eating to aid digestion and refresh your mind for the afternoon ahead.

Consider Outdoor Meetings

If you’re in charge of scheduling meetings, you might want to experiment with “walking meetings.” If the weather outside permits and your meeting agenda isn’t too tight, suggest to your colleagues that you have your discussions while walking outside. This practice can help stimulate your group’s creativity, foster better communication, and provide a healthy alternative to sitting cooped up in a meeting room.

Create an Outdoor Workspace

If you work from home or in a flexible environment, try setting up a simple outdoor workspace. Bring your laptop and any portable materials you need out to your patio, garden, or a local cafe that has outdoor seating available. Many public places offer free Wi-Fi, which makes it easier to work out of the office for an hour or two.

If outside isn’t doable, try working beside an open window so that you can enjoy the fresh air.

Take Your Calls Outside

Whenever possible, take your phone calls outside. Use a headset or wireless earbuds to keep your hands free, and just walk around to take in your surroundings. Try taking your calls in a quiet, unpopulated area so that you’re not disrupting another person’s day, though.

Getting outside during a phone call not only helps you get a bit of fresh air, but it can also make your conversations feel more relaxed and enjoyable.

Adding valuable outdoor time to your workday doesn’t have to be complicated. With a little planning, you can easily make stepping outside a regular part of your routine. A brief walk, an outdoor lunch, or even an outdoor workspace can have a significant impact on your well-being and work performance. Take a step outside and enjoy the benefits of fresh air and nature during your busy day.

If you’re struggling and you believe therapy would benefit you, reach out to DK Therapy at your convenience. Schedule an appointment with our office to speak with an experienced counselor.