First Date Jitters: Overcoming Social Anxiety in New Social Situations

Dating can be quite an adventure, one that’s full of promise and new connections with others. However, for individuals who live with social anxiety, dating can be rather daunting. Those of us who are uneasy in social situations may worry about the pressure we face when it comes to making a good impression. In this article, we’ll explore dating with anxiety and offer a few tips you can follow to prioritize your mental health during a first date.

What is Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety is a mental health condition that’s characterized by an intense and persistent fear of social situations. Individuals who live with social anxiety often experience overwhelming apprehension and self-consciousness in everyday social situations. This type of anxiety can be triggered by a person’s fear of being judged, embarrassed, or perceived negatively by others.

Common signs of social anxiety include:

  • Fear of being judged or scrutinized
  • Sweating, trembling, and nausea
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Avoidance of social situations
  • Negative evaluations of oneself

Tips for Dating with Anxiety

As with facing many social situations, it can be quite challenging for an individual with anxiety to handle the pressures of dating. If you’re struggling with social anxiety and you’re looking for ways to overcome your first-date jitters, try the following tips.

Practice Grounding Exercises

Getting to know a new person is a big step for people who live with social anxiety, so before you embark on your first date, take time to ground yourself. Practice meditation, take a few slow, deep breaths, or walk yourself through visualization techniques. Whatever routine you follow to keep yourself grounded during times of stress, practice them ahead of your scheduled date so that you can remain as calm as possible.

Choose a Familiar Place

When you’re going on a first date with someone new, try to choose a venue or location you’re familiar with. This way, you know your surroundings and you can be aware of the route to follow if you need to leave or use the restroom. Being in a familiar setting can help calm your nerves by giving you one less thing to concern yourself with during your date.

Set Realistic Expectations

First dates can be awkward for anyone, so it’s important to set realistic expectations for the outing you’re prepared to go on. Do your best to manage your fears and try to enjoy yourself. The conversation may or may not flow naturally, and that’s okay. You might or might not feel a spark with this new person, and that’s okay too. Try not to expect too much from yourself during your date. If it works out well, that’s good. If it doesn’t, remember that it isn’t the end of the world.

Give Yourself a Break

If you start to feel overwhelmed and need to take a break, excuse yourself to the restroom. This way, you can have a few minutes of privacy that you can use to assess the situation. Take deep breaths, center yourself, and decide whether you want to go back out there and finish the date, or if it’s time to go home. Don’t push yourself too hard during a first date. Do the best that you can and leave whenever you feel that you need to.

Dating with anxiety can present unique challenges, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Acknowledge your anxiety and go easy on yourself before, during, and after you go on a date. Remember that finding love is a journey and prioritizing your mental health along the way is key when it comes to making meaningful connections with others.

If you’re struggling with anxiety and you feel that therapy would be beneficial, you’re welcome to contact us at DK Therapy. Schedule an appointment with our office and speak with one of our experienced and caring counselors.