Seeing your child off to college isn’t easy for most parents. After all, both you and your child are stepping into a big change. One of you is embarking on an adventure that will help them determine who they’re going to become, and one of you is getting ready to return to a home with one less person in it.

It can be challenging to take it all in, and if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the turn your life has taken, you’re not alone.

Here are a few strategies you can follow in order to properly nurture yourself when your child leaves for college.

A young Black woman stands on the steps to a college building, holding school books. Understand Your New Parenting Role

Just because your child is going to be away at college doesn’t mean you won’t still play an active role in their life. Though they’re young adults, they’re going to still reach out to you for guidance. Try to understand and embrace your new role as a positive guide in your child’s life.

Create a Routine

It’s natural that you’re going to miss your child when you’re not able to see them every day but you can still maintain active contact with them. Before they leave, create a call schedule that works for both of you. This way, you can talk when you both have time and you’ll both be able to keep an active presence in one another’s lives.

Practice Self-Care

When you’re going through a big change, it’s important to take proper care of yourself. Give yourself adequate time to focus on your mental health. Get enough sleep, go for walks, eat a healthy diet, and focus on the positives in your life as you’re adjusting to life with your child away at college.

Start a New Hobby

It’s important to keep yourself from dwelling on how much you miss your child while they’re away at college. Of course, it’s okay to miss them, but it’s a good idea to do so while keeping yourself engaged with rewarding activities. For example, you might want to take part in a new hobby or sign up for a class that will help you channel your energy in a positive way. Consider taking up gardening, reading a book, trying photography, or taking up meditation. If there’s anything you want to try, now is the time to take the first step.

Enjoy Your Social Life

Make time to interact with your friends, family members, and colleagues. Not only is having a healthy social life good for your mental health, but having a supportive circle of people around you during this time is beneficial. If you can, talk with others who are going through a similar life change, as it will be helpful to connect with those who understand how you’re feeling and what you may be experiencing.

Watching your child head off to college can weigh heavily on a parent’s heart, so if you’re feeling down, your feelings are valid. Do your best to see this change as an opportunity for both you and your child to learn and grow as people. Maintain contact, provide advice when needed, and take care of yourself above all.

If you’re struggling with the emotions you’re feeling after your child goes away to college and you want to seek therapeutic support, reach out to DK Therapy at your convenience. One of our skilled counselors will book an assessment for you and help you come to terms with the new sense of normal in your life.