We’ve all been told that self-care is important, but that fact might not mean much to you if you don’t have a lot of time to spare. Of course, everyone wants to be able to dedicate a portion of their day/week to self-care, but when you have so much to do, this seems like another chore.

Plenty of busy individuals have trouble setting aside time for themselves. If you approach self-care in a way that fits into your life, you can enhance your holistic health without dropping the ball on your other responsibilities.

Self-Care for a Busy Week

Not everyone’s self-care routine looks the same, so try not to disregard your needs simply because you can’t attend an entire spa day once a week. Most of us can’t, and because our lives are hectic, we need to shape the concept of self-care into what it means to us. 

Try the following strategies if you want to maintain your mental health amidst a busy life.

1. Evaluate What YOU Want/Need

An action is hardly self-care if it doesn’t benefit you, so it’s important to use the time you have to individualize your routine. If other self-care advice mentions taking a bubble bath, but you’re not into that idea, skip it in favor of trying something that will bring you a sense of peace. If your idea of rewarding yourself involves catching up on a show you like, let it be part of your time to unwind.

2. Squeeze Exercise in Where It Fits

Exercise is an essential part of human health, but it can be hard to stick to a routine when you’re exhausted after a busy day. Don’t stress yourself out trying to make time for a long workout. Instead, squeeze physical activity into your day. You might choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to work (if the distance is short enough), or burn calories doing housework.

3. Combine Routines

For busy individuals, self-care usually isn’t something that can take all day. However, if you strategize and combine routines, you might be able to knock out two activities in one try. For example, if you want to start a new hobby but you also want to eat healthier, take up cooking and meal prep during your spare time and take care of the workweek’s lunches ahead of time.

4. Try Some Light Reading

Reading is an excellent way to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life, and thanks to modern technology, you don’t have to sit still and read a paperback book if you don’t have time. Listen to an audiobook during your commute or while you’re in the middle of a task that doesn’t require your undivided attention.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Much like exercise, sleep is an important part of maintaining all aspects of a person’s well-being. Getting between 6 and 8 hours of sleep each night can help reduce negative mental health symptoms while giving the body a chance to refresh. In addition, a good night’s sleep helps sharpen cognitive functions and problem-solving skills. 

Finally, if you find that you’re regularly short on time, it might be time to reevaluate your schedule. Prioritize things that absolutely need to be done and try to delegate tasks that you don’t personally have to handle. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and if managing stress and other mental health issues has become too much, please reach out to a mental health professional. A skilled therapist can help you address your challenges and develop solutions that work for you.