Being single in your 30s can feel like trudging through a landscape of outdated perceptions, even from friends and family. When the world around you makes it seem like finding a partner has an expiration date, it can be hard to keep a positive outlook on life. However, being a single individual in your 30s can prove to be a very enriching experience in several ways. If you’re struggling with the stigmas you’re facing, keep reading for tips on how to enjoy being single in your age group.

The Stigma Around Being Single in Your 30s

For some reason, society likes to cling to old-fashioned viewpoints when it comes to adults remaining single in their 30s. Well-meaning family members often chime in with what they think is helpful advice and, in general, the people around a single 30-year-old tend to act like this person has run out of time to find happiness.

Despite the sometimes negative views that follow single 30-somethings, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. While some people choose to remain single in their 30s, others are looking for love but taking time to find the right person. Either way, it’s okay. Being single in your 30s can be a wonderful experience.

How to Embrace Being Single

If you’re living life as a single person in your 30s, it’s important to keep in mind that your value has nothing to do with your relationship status. You’re a unique and worthwhile individual, so let yourself enjoy the perks of being single. Whether you’re feeling low about not being in a relationship or you’re loving the single life, the following tips can help you find joy in your independence.

Invest in Personal Development

The sky is the limit when it comes to pursuing your own development as a single person. You could choose to invest in personal development routes or take steps toward becoming the best professional version of yourself. Whichever path you choose, do your best to take part in activities that are going to make you feel fulfilled and provide you with skills that will help you succeed.

Enjoy Your Freedom

Being in a relationship can be great, but it takes a lot of effort to make it work. When you don’t have to worry about a partner’s needs, you have the freedom to focus completely on your own. Let yourself take part in activities you’ve always wanted to try. Travel to new destinations, learn how to pamper yourself, volunteer your time helping out a cause you care about, and enjoy your own company.

Know That You Still Have Time

Thirty is the new twenty. In this day and age, people are living a lot longer than they did when being single at 30 first became stigmatized. Know that you still have plenty of time to find a partner if that’s what you want to do. Don’t rush yourself into settling for a person that doesn’t make you truly happy. Take your time and enjoy every day you spend between now and then.

Spend Time with Others

Just because a person is single in their 30s doesn’t mean they’re lonely. You have opportunities to enrich your life with the company of family and friends. Spend time with your loved ones, go out with friends whenever you want, and get to know your colleagues and business associates.

Being single at thirty is not a sign of missed opportunities or a journey that’s been cut short. It’s an invitation to savor the richness of your life on your own terms. You are your own best company, so enjoy every day of your life, whether you’re single or not. If you want a relationship, it’ll come in due time. Until then, live life for yourself and take time to treat yourself the way you expect to be treated by a future partner.

If you’re struggling and you believe therapy would be a benefit to you, please reach out to DK Therapy at your convenience. Schedule an appointment with our office to connect with one of our experienced and caring counselors.