The existence and constant evolution of technology have certainly simplified human life in a variety of ways. We use technology in many aspects of our lives, including health management, work efficiency, educational development, transportation, access to food, and these examples are just scraping the surface.


One of technology’s most common applications involves facilitating social interactions through an array of popular platforms. It’s incredibly easy to reach out to other people on social media, and even when we can’t physically spend time with those we care about, we can connect online.


However, technology isn’t entirely flawless when it comes to the impact it may have on mental health at large. Let’s look into how both social media and artificial intelligence impact people mentally and emotionally.

Social Media and Mental Health

Social media is designed to keep people connected with one another, but like any social connection, that’s not always a positive thing. 


Various social media platforms enable users to stay up to speed with what their friends and family members are up to and also provide access to the latest news, trends, and brand-related information.


Having a world of information available at a user’s fingertips can make it easy to get informed about what’s most important to them, but that’s only when social media is used responsibly. Depending on numerous unique factors, the impact social media has on mental health can vary. Let’s explore the pros and cons associated with social media and how it affects a user’s sense of well-being.

Pros & Cons

Connecting with family members and friends is easy, even at a distance.Everything posted on social media has a chance of being viewed by the wrong eyes. Online activity can lead to arguments and other issues in the physical world.
Social media provides like-minded people with ways to interact and share an interest in a particular hobby.Interacting with strangers online can expose users to unnecessary risks, including identity theft, grooming, and harassment.
Independent business owners can market their products and services to millions of people.Constant access to content that other people post can cause users to compare themselves to their favorite creators, which may lead to body image issues.
Users can express opinions and/or knowledge on a certain topic and have those opinions seen by large audiences.Cyberbullying becomes a lot easier to fall victim to online, as users feel more brazen when insulting others from afar.
Social media offers users access to the latest news and upcoming events.Not all news is regulated on social media, so without adequate research, falling for inaccurate information is entirely possible
Viewing bad news constantly can induce stress and anxiety.

AI and Mental Health

AI’s capabilities have taken the world by storm. So much is possible with the help of machines that many of us have started adopting AI tools into everyday life. The primary goal of AI is to make life easier for human beings, but added ease isn’t always the end result when using a machine-learning program. 


There’s a lot to consider when it comes to AI and its impact on mental health, but let’s examine the effects of AI on mental health from a general perspective. 

Pros & Cons

AI has the potential to help users get in contact with mental health service providers through the use of therapy chatbots.AI programs are not as reliable as human service providers. As such, some information offered may not be accurate.
AI can help users plan, draft, and edit school or work-related projects, which affords them more free time.Depending on AI for 100% of the work involved in a project results in poor understanding of the topic, low or failing scores, and even plagiarism penalties.
AI presents users with an array of mental health tools to try, including mindfulness apps, meditation recorders, and other resources that may improve mental wellness.The tools available through AI programming may be helpful for some, but may also deter individuals who need professional help from seeking support.


Technology in its many forms can serve as an incredibly valuable tool, but like most other things in life, too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. Take steps to maintain your mental health by limiting your access to the conveniences of technology. Give yourself a specific amount of time to spend online, but try your best to keep a sense of balance between your physical life and your online activities.