Digital devices have become an integral part of our daily lives and due to the conveniences they undoubtedly bring, many of us find ourselves constantly surrounded by screens. Though screen time is an essential part of our everyday lives, it can become too much of a good thing and end up harming our sense of mental well-being.

According to studies, too much screen time can have negative effects on an individual’s mental health and overall mood. This includes disturbing an individual’s sleep, which can make it difficult to function adequately during the day. Too much screen time can also interfere with an individual’s social skills, emotional judgment, and self-esteem.

A stock photo of a woman, from the shoulders down, holding a phone in her hands.Setting Healthy Boundaries

If you find that you’re spending too much time in front of screens, here are a few simple strategies you can follow to set healthy boundaries for yourself.

Set Notification Limits

To avoid continuously picking up one of your devices every time it makes a noise, try limiting your notifications. For example, cut back on your phone’s notifications so that you’re only receiving the information you actually need to see. When fewer notifications trigger, you’ll become less tempted to constantly check your phone.

Have Device-Free Times

Take frequent breaks away from your screens, whether you’re at work or you’re scrolling for fun. Give yourself times in which you can be away from your device, for example, when you’re eating. In addition, it’s a good idea to limit your screen time when you’re getting close to bedtime. Give yourself at least 30 minutes to wind down without looking at a screen, and take advantage of better sleep.

Avoid Endless Scrolling

If you find that you’re scrolling through one piece of content after the next, but you’re not really engaging with anything you see, it’s time for a break. Put your phone down, have a stretch, or walk around for a few minutes. Let your mind refresh itself before stepping back into looking at your screen.

In our digital-centric lives, finding a balance between screen time and mental well-being is crucial. Implementing strategies like limiting notifications and setting device-free times can help regain control. By making mindful choices, we can create a future where screens enrich our lives without compromising our mental health.

If you’re struggling with screen time and you feel that therapy would be beneficial, reach out to DK Therapy to speak with one of our experienced counselors.