Hygge and the Art of Coziness Boosting Your Mood in Fall

As the fall chill is settling in across the country, many of us are spending more of our time indoors to keep warm. Trying to create a cozy environment for the winter months is a common practice around this time of year, and it’s because of this that the term “hygge” often comes up during the fall season.

Let’s explore hygge and what it can mean for one’s mental health during the colder months.

A photo of a cozy bedroom, with twinkle lights, soft bedding, and candles glowing.What is Hygge?

Hygge is a Danish word, pronounced “hoo-ga,” and while it can’t be directly translated into an English word, it represents the feeling of coziness, contentment, and well-being. Recall, if you can, the feeling of staying inside on a rainy day, reading a book, and drinking a warm beverage. That sensation of warmth, safety, and having your mind at ease is what hygge is all about. It’s a crucial component of Danish life that prioritizes positive, soothing experiences over material possessions.

Benefits of Hygge

Embracing the hygge lifestyle can be beneficial in several ways, as enjoying a cozier life can boost one’s mood, social well-being, and physical health.

Emotional Benefits

Creating a cozy environment in your home can have a significant impact on your mental health and emotional well-being. Feeling warm and cozy stands to reduce depression, anxiety, and stress. When your environment makes you feel safe and at peace, you’re more likely to experience feelings of self-compassion, increased self-worth, and a sense of gratitude for the things you have in your life. 

Physical Benefits

As many of us know, stress can take a toll on physical health in much the same way it does on mental health. However, when we feel calm and comfortable, our bodies respond to those feelings. Hygge helps encourage feelings of relaxation, which reduces the body’s fight, flight, or freeze responses. When we don’t feel perceived dangers on a regular basis, we may experience the following benefits:

  • Better sleep
  • More thorough self-care practices
  • Reduced need for unhealthy coping strategies
  • Fewer spikes of stress hormones (cortisol)

Social Benefits

On top of having the ability to make us feel at peace in our homes, the concept of hygge also embraces social health and emphasizes connections with our loved ones. When we feel safe and content, we’re more likely to reach out and spend time with those who are important to us. When we spend time with others, we tend to cope better with the stresses in our lives, feel more motivated, and experience fewer negative feelings. In a way, the social benefits of embracing hygge help to elevate the mood-boosting benefits associated with this lifestyle.

Creating a warm and cozy environment in your home presents an array of unique benefits that can make it easier to not only get through the colder months, but thrive during them. Embracing the art of coziness through practicing hygge may very well be what you can use to implement positive changes in your environment as the weather changes.

If you’re struggling with the changing seasons and you believe that therapy would be beneficial, reach out to us at DK Therapy