A photo of a snow covered walkway in a city.

Navigating Seasonal Affective Disorder in Chicago Winters

Explore why Seasonal Affective Disorder is a difficult issue to manage during Chicago winters and learn coping skills for winter this year.

A stock photo of a woman, from the shoulders down, holding a phone in her hands.

The Impact of Screen Time on Mental Health: Setting Healthy Boundaries

Are you concerned about your screen time? Here are a few simple strategies you can follow to set healthy boundaries for yourself.

A stock photo of the front of the Field Museum in Chicago.

Chicago’s Indoor Escapes: Museums, Art Galleries, and Mental Health

You don’t have to hibernate until spring if you live in Chicago, as there are plenty of indoor activities to take part in during the winter.

A black and white photo of a woman sleeping in a bed with white linens.

The Link Between Sleep and Mental Health: Tips for a Better Night’s Rest

Adequate sleep is essential when it comes to preserving our mental well-being. Discover tips you can follow in order to get better sleep.

A white person from the shoulders down counting a stack of money.

Financial Wellness and Mental Health: Balancing Your Budget and Emotions

What is the relationship between an individual’s financial wellness and their mental health? Let’s take a look.

Beyond Therapy: Everyday Habits for Sustaining Mental Wellness in 2024

Explore a wide array of simple yet powerful routines you can use to shape your mental wellness and overall well-being in 2024.

A white woman sitting on a yoga mat spread out on a hardwood floor, taken from above.

Mindfulness in Everyday Life: Simple Practices for Reducing Stress

Explore a few techniques for practicing mindfulness, one effective method we can use to reduce our stress levels in everyday life.

A stock photo of a woman with long dark hair standing in gray fog, tossing her head so her hair covers her face.

Understanding Anxiety Disorders: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Explore the various types of anxiety disorders, as well as common symptoms and treatment options associated with anxiety disorders.

Two dark haired women talking and sitting in black chairs at a long wooden conference table that's in front of a red brick wall. There are papers and a laptop on the table.

Navigating Your Therapeutic Journey: How to Find a Therapist with the Right Personality Fit

It can be difficult to find a therapist who is right for you, but this short guide should help you narrow down your options.

A light skinned man from the shoulders down, sitting on a dark couch in a dark room.

Finding Your Voice in Therapy: Tips for Expressing Feedback to your Therapist

Discover a few ways to give feedback to your therapist or open the conversation to topics you feel the need to discuss.