Managing Panic Disorder: Techniques to Calm Your Mind and Body

Is panic impacting your life? Explore approaches to help calm your mind and body when dealing with panic disorder.

Breaking the Stigma: Talking About Mental Health with Friends and Family

Talking about mental health is important. Here are practical tips to guide you when discussing your mental health with your loved ones.

The Impact of Bullying on Teen Mental Health and What to Do About It

For teens, bullying can play a major role in their overall mental health. If your teen is dealing with bullying, here’s what you can do.

Dealing with Cotard’s Syndrome: Understanding the Delusion of Being Dead

Read this to understand Cotard’s syndrome, its symptoms, and treatment options so you can offer support to a loved one with this disorder.

Overcoming Fear of Failure: Helping Teens Reframe Mistakes

Discover practical steps to help your teen overcome their fear of failure and build a stronger, more positive mindset.

How to Help Your Teen Develop a Positive Body Image

The teenage years can be a challenging time, especially when it comes to body image. Here’s how you can support them as a parent.