A man in a suit stands behind a woman in a wedding dress with his arms wrapped around her torso holding her hands. The couple, who we only see from the chest to the hip, is making a heart shape with their joined hands.

Beyond Wedding Planning: Exploring the Benefits of Premarital Counseling

Learn more premarital counseling, what it accomplishes for couples, and the benefits of speaking with a therapist before your wedding day.

A woman looks at the sun setting behind a line of trees.

Navigating FOMO and Comparison in the Summertime

Are you struggling with comparing yourself to others this summer? Practice these strategies to move past your FOMO feelings this summer.

A man and woman stand, backs facing the camera, with a dog on a mountain path, looking at a view of mountains in the distance.

Adjusting to Life After College: Navigating Relationship Changes and Friendships

Keep reading for tips on how to adjust to life after college, including the prospect of making new friends and preserving meaningful relationships.

A white couple sits on the floor smiling with two small children in their laps.

Self-Care for Parents: Prioritizing Your Mental Health During Summer Vacation

If you’re overwhelmed as a parent with your kids home for summer vacation, you’re not alone. Here are some self-care ideas to help.

College Graduation: Understanding and Managing Mixed Feelings

College graduation can be an exciting time but also anxiety-provoking. Here are some tips on how to manage the mixed emotions you may be feeling.

Anxiety After Graduation: Coping Strategies for the Next Chapter

Graduation can be a time to celebrate, but also can be a time where anxiety about the future takes over. Here are some tips to cope.

Quality Time: Prioritizing Connection with Partner During Busy Summer Schedules

Quality time is more than a love language, but often difficult to prioritize when your life gets busy. Here are some tips.

Seasonal Affective Disorder in Spring and Summer: Coping Strategies and Self-Care Tips

Seasonal affective disorder is not just for the winter. Here are some tips on how to combat SAD in the spring/summer.

Summer Break Routine: Importance for Mental Health

Summer break can be a time to relax and enjoy time off, but having a routine is also important for mental health.

Social Anxiety in Summer: Navigating Gatherings and Events

Summer can bring more social events, but for someone struggling with social anxiety those can be stressful. Here are some tips.