Two Black women sitting outdoors at a table with food on it. One is looking down at her plate and the other is turned toward the camera, smiling.

The Boomerang Effect: Parenting Challenges with Adult Children Moving Back Home

If you’re one of many parents who have recently had their adult children (as well as their families, in some cases) come home, keep reading for tips on how to keep your home life stable with two or more generations under one roof.

A white, blonde woman laying face down on a bed with her hair covering her face.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Coping Strategies in Autumn

If you find yourself feeling down in the fall and winter seasons, you may be dealing with symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder.

A couple standing at dusk at the edge of a body of water, leaning towards each other.

The Power of Together, the Freedom of Alone: Understanding Relationship Independence

It can be hard to find the balance as a couple between spending enough time together and apart. Relationship independence can help.

A stock photo of a young white woman with dark hair and a dark jacket on, standing outside looking thoughtful.

Thanksgiving, Loneliness, and Connection: Strategies for Coping

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and if you’re already struggling to find joy in the holiday, here are a few coping strategies to try.

Two white men smiling while in front of a low stone wall in front of a body of water on a gray day.

Building Meaningful Relationships: Nurturing Social Connections for Autistic Adults

Explore the importance social relationships for autistic adults and learn a few tips on how to maintain them.

A photo of a cozy bedroom, with twinkle lights, soft bedding, and candles glowing.

Hygge and the Art of Coziness: Boosting Your Mood in Fall

Embracing hygge can be beneficial in several ways, as enjoying a cozier life can boost one’s mood, social well-being, and physical health.