A Black person looking sideways at the camera, wearing sweats.

Dealing with Cotard’s Syndrome: Understanding the Delusion of Being Dead

Read this to understand Cotard’s syndrome, its symptoms, and treatment options so you can offer support to a loved one with this disorder.

A young white girl using a laptop with corded headphones, with a phone on the couch beside her.

Overcoming Fear of Failure: Helping Teens Reframe Mistakes

Discover practical steps to help your teen overcome their fear of failure and build a stronger, more positive mindset.

Two bored looking young girls leaning on a ledge, with a city scene in the background.

How to Help Your Teen Develop a Positive Body Image

The teenage years can be a challenging time, especially when it comes to body image. Here’s how you can support them as a parent.

A woman with her hair in space buns crouching behind two glasses filled with water, so her eyes look distorted through the glass.

Recognizing the Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder and Seeking Help

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition that impacts a person’s emotions, relationships, and overall well-being.

A group of South Asian women of different ages embracing.

Understanding PTSD: Symptoms, Triggers, and Treatment Approaches

The bare shoulder and lower face of a person with long dark hair.

What is Dermatillomania? Understanding the Urge to Pick Skin

A black and white photo of a white woman laying on her side.

Depression vs. Dysthymia: Understanding the Differences and Treatment Approaches

Discover key differences between depression and dysthymia, whether you’re living with one of these conditions or someone you love is.

An elementary school age Asian boy sitting at a desk using a desktop computer.

Coping with Academic Stress: Tips for Teens to Maintain Balance

Academic stress is relatively common for teenagers. Here are some effective tips to manage your teen’s academic stress and well-being.

A white woman in an office, working on a laptop.

Navigating Social Media Pressure: How It Affects Teen Mental Health

Though social media offers chances to connect and share creative content, it also come with pressures that can impact mental health for teens.

A plate of food including cooked vegetables and rice, with whole vegetables on the table surrounding the plate.

The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health: Food that Boosts Your Mood

Having nutritious food in your diet can have a positive impact on your well-being, Let’s take a look at some foods that support mental health.